Day 56: 15 March 2015 (Sunday)

I woke up later than expected, but made it to the library by about eleven ready to write and research. It took forever to find the books that I needed in the library, but once I finally did, I got right to work. An interesting (and annoying) quirk about the UK is that they literally have outlets in the least convenient places possible. For example, at the library, they have study cubicles for miles, with one outlet near the farthest desk around a corner or unreachable near the floor. In certain classrooms, there will be a long row of outlets near the exit, and none near the tables where you actually sit to do your classwork. It is a real pain. So finding a table that actually had access to power was a task in itself. I should tell Rachel to add a 50 foot extension cord to the list of recommended items to bring to England with you. Eventually, I did find a block of study desks with outlets connected to them and found an empty one to begin writing.

I’m extremely glad that I did so much work on my essays yesterday, because today I simply inserted some semi-intelligent quotes from sources that referenced the right material, and then added the bibliography, intro, and conclusion for each essay. I finished my Managing Festivals and Events essay in about two hours, and spent another adding an appendix to my Travel and Journalistic Writing essay (now 20 pages long). I finished around 3:30, returned the library books, and made my way back to Lupton by 4.

Once home, I ate yesterday’s leftover chili con carne with noodles, drank some tea (my first cup of the day, as all cafes on campus are closed on Sundays), and watched an episode of Lie to Me before going over to Kourt’s. At hers, I worked for a couple more hours on updating my blog before Haley came over and made a very late dinner for us. She whipped up a dish using some cute heart-shaped pasta her mom sent her, and Jonny came over and shared it with us.

After dinner, we all sat down and watched more episodes of Lie to Me before I called it a night around midnight.

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